Arts Critical to STEM Learning Says Secretary of Education Seguir o Blog!
Secretary of Education John B. King Jr. talked to the Las Vegas Academy of the Arts in Las Vegas, Nevada on Thursday and emphasized the importance of a well-rounded education for every student in America. More, he acknowledged the vital role of the arts in rethinking education. Under the new law, he said: “There’s evidence that kids get better at math when they’ve taken classes that make the connection between STEM and the arts—and that when they’ve had certain courses in the arts, kids can grow in self-confidence, and in linguistic skills, as well as in creativity ... (and) states now have wider options for the kind of interventions they can put in place—including options like the Turnaround Arts Initiative funded by the Department. I’ve had the opportunity to see struggling schools make real change by infusing the arts into their school models.” Arne Duncan, former U.S. Secretary of Education was very clear when he said that the arts play a significant role in nurturing the thinking skills for the new, knowledge economy. Speaking to a meeting of The Arts Education Partnership in 2010, Duncan said: “Arts education stimulates creativity and innovation, critical for young Americans competing in a global economy. “ Yet, neither he nor President Obama was able to put this notion into law. Nor has “The Race to the Top”, Obama’s school challenge putting pressure on state legislatures to allow more charter schools and holding teachers more accountable, reflect their interest in the arts. [ ... ]
Tags: art, arte, arte-educação, arts education, STEM

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